Sunday, March 7, 2010

this is the day...

mmm. today really fed my soul.

schedule of events:
11am Church
1:30pm Bike ride to Starbucks (to time myself for future days in which I wish to ride to work)
3pm Ultimate Frisbee
5pm Starbucks and Walmart with friends
6:30pm Wii playing and hanging out with Juliet
9pm Laundry and facebook

sounds amazing, huh? well that is because it really was!

I want to tell you about a decision I made today:

Backstory: After traveling across the world on a team and being taught about the importance of and observing a Sabbath (day of rest), I have come to cherish this day. I believe that God instituted it for GOOD reason. Therefore, I submit to it, and it refreshes me.

Real story: I have had a hard time with Sundays these past few weeks. I was wanting only to sleep and not to go to Church. This is a weird feeling, since I love church, love being with people, love learning God's word, etc. etc. etc. Then, I figured out what it was.
After going to BearTrap over Christmas break I realized how incredibly much I missed hanging out with and investing in international students. My response to that was a quick volunteering to invest in the International Sunday School time that we have at my church. I was SO excited to join and get to know people!
Unfortunately, as I began struggling to go to Church I realized - joining the Sunday School class was still "work" for me. It sounds weird and horrible at the same time, considering that I love it. BUT, I felt obligated (personally) to invest in students throughout the week, not just on Sundays, and I really don't have time for that. I also just needed more sleep on Sunday mornings. SO, I decided. I will not lead a small group in the International Sunday School time - instead, I will go to the late Church service. (I do not, however, plan to neglect International Students completely of course. :)

Result: I did that today and it was perfect. I loved seeing my friends in service and engaging with the whole time. Afterward, I went by International Sunday School and talked with my former co-leader about my decision. It was the first time that I had cried about it - but it was good.

(i actually made these pictures :))

You may ask yourself, or me, "Jessica, what do you think the perfect bike riding music would be on a day like today?"
Answer: Hanson on the way to your destination and the Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack on the way home, of course.


  1. I rode my bike and played Ultimate at 3pm today as well! It was glorious.

  2. lol i love listening to slumdog millionaire on bike rides too :) lets do that together sometime...and sing real loud the parts we're listning to on our own ipods.
    also, its great to hear you be honest about not wanting the things you love to become "work". keep that up, it will take you far.

  3. sounds like a good day :)
    sorry i didn't text back yesterday
    i was in our first team meeting
    we should talk tomorrow or something.
    hope D7 goes well!

  4. a) you are an amazing computer paint artist :-)
    b) I am so glad for your decision. taking care of our soul is important. if dont take care of it, we wont be able to help people as effectively, at least I think. :-)

    i love you!



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