Monday, September 7, 2009

My "First" Vacation...

So, I don't think I have ever been on a legitimate vacation - ever. Therefore, this weekend I ventured to Colorado Springs, CO with a group of lovely friends.

IT WAS fun.
I have many pictures I would like to share, and stories too.

I just want you to know that I went mountain biking down a mountain, and fell in love. (Also fell once and cut my hand...) It was a bit pricey, but worth every dollar.
While sitting 8,000 feet up, on a rock just off the bike course, I was thinking about how huge God is - something that has been coming up often lately. It's so cool to see all His beauty (in its many forms) and to think that some people think it just happens to be that way...He deserves ALL the credit. I just love that He chose to make things so unique and detailed and BEAUTIFUL. I feel really inadequate in just describing it, let alone being a part of it. Mmmmm. Thanks God.

I'm going to bed now, but will definitely post some pictures later. For now, Facebook has a few available!


  1. I totally agree. It is so great to go somewhere different to be reminded of how awesome God is.

  2. I'm so glad you got to have a vacation!! :-) And CO is so amazing - I love it! And you are so right, God is so big - how awesome!



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