Friday, September 18, 2009

A Branch: September 2009

A Branch: The monthly newsletter of Jessica Lemken, serving with Christian Challenge in Emporia, Kansas

"I am the vine;
you are the branches.
If a man remains in me
and I in him,
he will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can
do nothing."
John 15:5

In John 15, Jesus speaks to his followers using this “vine and branches” analogy. In verses 3-5 he tells us we are clean because of the words He has spoken to us, we should remain in Him and He will remain in us, we cannot bear fruit alone – we must remain in the vine, Jesus. As a follower of Jesus, my prayer and goal is to continually follow this command. I want to remain in Him and produce much fruit for Him! We are each a branch, remaining in Him and bearing fruit.
I think this analogy fits ministry as well. There is no way to bear fruit without Jesus;second to Jesus are supporters like you who encourage and care about His work.
Ministry, like our Christian faith, is not a “lone-ranger” gig. We must stay connected to each other and involved in each other’s lives. Then much fruit will be seen and celebrated, together!
This newsletter is created to do just that! I want to update you about the things happening in our ministry and the ways God is at work on the Emporia State campus. I also want to help guide you in praying for this ministry and for me. Thank you for your support and love – enjoy. :)

Christian Challenge Staff: Me, Brandi, Evan, Michelle, Jason and Lisa

Ask God these things, please:
--> I am planning to study A Purpose Driven Life with my friend from the summer, through email. Please lift this to God and ask Him to bless this time.

--> As this semester has started, I am working on a “schedule”. Please pray I would glorify Him with every minute.

--> Our small groups start this week and I am leading some sophomore girls who I invested in last year. Ask that this year would be one of maturing and growth for them.

For Christian Challenge information:
To hear how you can pray for Christian Challenge:

To receive a newsletter by mail or email contact:


  1. Thanks Jess! And I will be honest - I havent been good about praying for you too - I am sorry! We will work on it! :-)

    No, i dont know who my teams will be yet... I think we find that out in about a week and a half (the 30th to be exact)- so exciting! :-)

  2. so, i just read this post - God's timing is so cool. Today one of our speakers talked about how we are not "lone-rangers" - the exact same phrase you said and how we can hear from God though our godly community (at least that is one of the ways). thats pretty neat! :-)

    praying for you right now!

  3. ah! i need another update!! :-) miss you!



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