Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I called, He answered...

Family seems to be one of the most interesting facets of life - for me at least (and a lot of people I know). My definition of interesting in this sentence is: something that is essential, yet challenging; one of the most frustrating elements of my life, yet one of the most blessed things in my life; an enigma which will never be solved. And I am okay with that.

These past few days have been "challenging". I have experienced MANY emotions and done lots of processing.

I am once again AMAZED at how faithful the Lord is. Not surprised at all, but thankful.

And as for friends...well, they are indescribable. Those who are older than me and serve as mentors (mentor: a person who pours an abundance of wisdom, truth and love into my life) are so so gracious in listening to my over-emotionalized problems, and responding with the wisdom, truth and love mentioned before.

For those who are my peers, who know my heart, and who share in my joy/pain - I am also thankful. Their prayers of each are consistent, abundant and powerful!

I am trying to figure out what my "role" in my family is, as I continue to serve in Emporia and in the ministry that God has called me to. I know that geographically I am not supposed to be nearer to my family, but I could spend a lot more time getting to know them better and sharing life with them...

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