Thursday, August 20, 2009

the first Christian Challenge of the semester!

So, tonight was the first Challenge of the semester. There were around 140 students there! So cool.
Last year our first meeting had 120 students and then averaged out at about 80 students for each meeting throughout the semester.
It is always cool to see and MEET new people at the first Challenge.
There were many freshmen and some transfers.

I talked tonight with some of the girls who I will have in my small group - I am SO excited for that :D

Jason talked tonight about grace. He did a great job of showing how much he wanted students to understand the importance of this! He read in Ephesians 2:1-9 and explained how we at one point lived in a "me kingdom" - where life revolves completely around self and we gratify the cravings of our sinful nature; then how there is this "God kingdom" which is the Kingdom we need to be in, where Jesus was raised and we too are raised to be seated with Him; Grace is the "free ride between the kingdoms". I feel this is a perfect "first Thursday" talk; a great way of sharing the heart of the Gospel in a way that people understand.

Tomorrow I will help do some input of info-cards...actually I am excited for it because I love inputting data. Nerdy I know.

Oh, check out our awesome website!

and the prayer blog:

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