Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Beginning of a Call

As the end of college approached there were many options waiting for me just beyond the horizon. The prevailing choice seemed to be getting a higher education - and not necessarily for the money - but because of my passions. I was looking toward beginning a Master's program at a seminary immediately after graduating with my Sociology degree from ESU. While praying about this option and talking it through with Jason and Lisa (the Director of Christian Challenge and his wife), it seemed that God had a different plan for me. Jason and Lisa asked me to consider serving in an Associate role on staff with Christian Challenge, a campus ministry at ESU where I have been involved for the past four years and on staff as an intern this past year. I had been previously praying about this as an option for me - and continued after this conversation. The choice was quite obvious once I started thinking seriously about it and was confirmed by the Lord in a variety of ways!

Once this decision was final, "I will serve on staff with Christian Challenge instead of heading off to seminary right away," I was talking through it with Jason one day and continued praying through some of the details of this decision. As I spoke with my Father, it became clear that He wanted me to commit to a two year period here at ESU. I felt He wanted me to really invest in this ministry and His work here, and not just "temporarily work." I feel this commitment will be more effective for the students I am investing my time and energy in, as well as to the ministry as a whole. I truly and confidently believe that God has CALLED me to Emporia for the school years of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.

My primary role as an Associate will be meeting with the women of Challenge one-on-one for the purpose of discipleship - which is something that really impacted my commitment to Christ throughout college. I will also have a role in helping to build community within Challenge, and outreach to non-believers at Emporia State and within the community of Emporia. In addition, I will assist with administrative details and event/mission trip planning.

I feel like in the past (at least the four years I have been here) Christian Challenge at Emporia State has struggled in the area of "outreach". I would define outreach as: telling people about the truth of Christ that is presented in the Bible, inviting them to join in God's plan for their life in having a personal relationship with Jesus, and then walking alongside them to assist in figuring out what that will look like in each individual's life. Because of my foundation in faith in Christ and the gift He has given me to relate well with others - I feel an urgency to share truth!

There are about two weeks until the fall semester will begin - I am currently in need of a rest before jumping on board with planning and investing in activities and students. This summer I led a team of students overseas to share our faith with some non-believers in need of truth and I learned a lot. I have not spent enough time, yet, thinking and praying through what all I have learned. This week I plan to rest, journal, read and be renewed in the Lord. If I do not first fill myself with Him and His truth, I will not be able to continue ministering to others that need His truth as well.
Please PRAY that I will spend sufficient time with Him and that I will be open to any lessons or challenges He talks to me about.

Stay tuned for updates on ministry, my life in ministry and prayer needs that will arise.
For questions you might have, or more information about my ministry please contact me at

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